Steps if Your Spouse is Planning Divorce
Tallahassee Divorce Lawyer — My spouse is planning for divorce. What should I do?
If you think that your husband or wife is planning to file for divorce, there are some steps you should take to prepare yourself for the court processes. First, consider your marriage and whether or not you think it can be saved and, if so, how. Marriage counselors, priests, ministers, and friends are willing to help you work out your marital differences.
If, however, help has come and passed and you think the best option is divorce, contact a local divorce attorney. Experienced divorce attorneys in Tallahassee and the surrounding areas can answer your questions and help you better prepare for the divorce proceedings. But here are a few pieces of advice.
Unless you’re in danger, do not move out of the marital home. Doing so can jeopardize your right to remain in the home during the divorce proceeding. Make an inventory of all of your marital property. You can make a list, but photocopies and digital photographs are even better. It is important to be informed of all of the marital assets (eg. checking accounts statements, investment account statements, jewelry and guns). Understand just because your spouse is the only name on an account or deed does not mean it is not marital property. Also, you may wish to protect valuable personal items from being sold and consider whether to take other steps to protect your credit rating. Finally, get in to talk to a divorce lawyer in Tallahassee, Leon County, or any surrounding North Florida counties. This will help you to better understand your options, risks and the costs of divorce.
Tallahassee Divorce Lawyer Bryan Hesser provides low-cost consultations to advise people of their options and to answer questions about the procedures and possibilities involved in divorce, child custody, child support, and other family law disputes. It is our goal to ensure you leave the office with your questions answered and burdens lightened.