Autism is a disorder in neural growth that affects children in the earlier stages of their life. It affects the child’s ability to interact socially with others, deterring not only their communication skills but their everyday behavior. Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability, affecting 1 in 88 children.

Disability is an individual’s inability to work in an ordinary setting on a regular and continuous basis. A child in a classroom setting can have this same concept applied. Around the country, specific guidelines are required at public schools to help meet the needs of Autistic children. However, there are schools that experience dealing with special needs with where sometimes children with autism have to be enrolled in.

SSD for children/adults with Autism:

A child can be eligible for SSD benefits. If they are your dependent, the disability does not actually have to be considered. They can get benefits on the parents’ record at this age. At the age of 18, the child’s benefits usually stop. After the age of 18 there are rules that must apply in order for them to continue getting benefits. Some of them being that the child must have been diagnosed with the impairment before the age of 22 and that they must meet the definition of disability for adults.

Unfortunately, a child with Autism can be expensive; however, you may be entitled to benefits. If you meet the requirements of a disability listing, your next step may be SSD benefits. The Law Office of Matt Liebenhaut represents disability cases for people of all ages. If you think your child or anyone else you know may be eligible for disability benefits due to a mental, physical, or emotional disability and you would like to set up a consultation with Mr. Liebenhaut, contact our office.

You can find the disability listing at
For more information on Autism visit