Knowing your partner committed adultery can have an overwhelming wave of emotions. The feeling of confusion of what to do next and betrayal is spinning through your head. When considering a divorce, however, the law is on your side.
- Did your spouse dissipate marital funds on the affair?
- Is your spouse’s affair forcing you out of a marriage in which you were financially dependent on your spouse?
- Were you and your spouse separated at the time of the affair?
- Have you and your spouse shielded your children from the affair and the resulting dispute?
- Is the person with whom your spouse had an affair willing to testify on your behalf as part of the divorce?
During your divorce, the Court will take into consideration the adultery of your spouse and modify alimony accordingly. There is the possibility that your former spouse’s adultery may result in he or she paying more alimony. Marital misconduct can also be considered in the divorce. If your financial stability has suffered as a result of your spouse’s adultery, marital misconduct can be cited against your spouse. Because the effects of marital infidelity on your divorce can differ from those on another divorce it can be confusing without the correct knowledge.
Hiring an attorney can help you make more a more informed decision regarding adultery and divorce. Contact Liebenhaut Law to schedule a consultation and learn to what extent infidelity or other marital misconduct might have in your divorce.