Tallahassee, FL – On August 14, 2015, the Social Security Administration marked their 80th year serving the great nation we call home. As a beacon for many fellow Americans, the Social Security Administration has provided numerous families with the support they needed during hard-hitting times. This date marks the anniversary of when Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act back in 1935. Designed to assist those less fortunate and vulnerable, this crucial act has provided boundless protection and optimism to the public.
To further the Social Security Administration’s vision of a prosperous future, acting Commissioner Carolyn W. Colvin spoke out emphasizing the programs key successes. Colvin highlighted the “outstanding customer service” provided by the SSA, while also mentioning that it remains “the most successful domestic program in America’s history.”
The National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives also honored the SSA for their 80th birthday. NOSSCR markedly urged “lawmakers and all Americans to support and strengthen” the program in an effort to preserve it for future generations.
Director of the NOSSCR, Barbara Silverstone, also stressed the need for congress to ensure that those whom depend on the program are not subject to the harmful cuts and policies that prevent them from receiving full benefits. In closing, Silverstone once again pressed to Congress the importance of strengthening the program for the years to come.
Throughout the past 80 years, the Social Security Administration has served to protect the average citizen against “poverty-ridden old age.” It is with this anniversary, that key officials remind Americans how many citizens rely on SSA and disability benefits. Without fundamental organizations like the SSA, our homeland would leave far too many citizens without options. Today, the Social Security Administration celebrates the past, but looks forward to a bright future aimed at helping many more in need.
At the Tallahassee Law Office of Matt Liebenhaut, we are proud to represent good people who have become disabled and need the help of social security to support their families. Matt is one of only a few a social security disability lawyers in Tallahassee with a varied degree of experience. Contact us today if you or a loved one has questions about a social security disability application or appeal.